Moment HM King Charles III is crowned in Coronation ceremony - BBC News


Moment HM King Charles III is crowned in Coronation ceremony - BBC News

Royal scepter the Ensign of kingly power and justice and the road of equity and mercy a symbol of Covenant and peace May the spirit of the Lord who anointed Jesus at his baptism so anoint you this day that you might exercise Authority with wisdom and direct your counsels with grace that by your service and Ministry to all your people Justice and mercy may be seen in all the Earth the sacred anointing is done presentation of regalia complete the moment of crowning has arrived in the chair of Saint Edward with the crown of Saint Edward King Charles III of King is acclaimed and Lord of lords bless we beseech thee this crown and so sanctify thy servant Charles upon whose head this day thou Dost place it for a sign of Royal Majesty that he may be crowned with thy gracious favor and filled with abundant grace and all princely virtues through him who liveth and reigneth Supreme Over All Things one God World Without End amen God saved the king foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause thank you the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you his peace the Lord protect you in all your ways and prosper all your work in his name the Lord give you hope and happiness that you may inspire all your people in the imitation of his unchanging love the Lord grant that wisdom and knowledge be the stability of your times and the fear of the Lord your treasure may God pour upon you the riches of his grace bless you and keep you in his holy fear prepare you for a happy eternity and receive you at the last into Immortal Glory and the blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit be with you and remain with you always amen foreign words before we pray last day of the day please [Applause] yes please [Applause]  thank you stand firm and held fast from henceforth this seat of Royal dignity which is yours by the authority of almighty God May that same God whose Throne endures forever establish your throne in righteousness that it may Stand Fast forevermore.

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